Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Balanced Mind Support Groups

Talking care of or helping a young adult with mental illness can be stressful and overwhelming.  Its good to have people to talk to who share in your experiences.  If you cant go to a local support group in your community, how about joining an online support group?  The Balanced Mind offers several support group options for parents of children, teens and young adults with mood disorders.

Alexanders Voice on Facebook

Ive been slacking a little lately on this blog, Ive been dumping all of my mental illness info onto my Alexanders Voice Facebook page instead.  Here is the link if you want to take a look.

I am back and focused on this blog, so new info to follow!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Indiegogo Crowd Funding Campaign

Ive set up an indiegogo crowd funding campaign to help raise money to keep the Young Adults with Schizophrenia Support Group going at NAMI Greater Seattle.  Please share this to your Facebook to help spread the word, and of course, any donation, big or small is appreciated!

Family Guide to Mental Health

Support is so important for both people suffering from mental illness, and their family members!!  This is a great project, I hope it reaches its funding goals!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Posit Science Mind Games

There is new evidence that shows that people with mental illness can improve their cognitive skills by exercising their minds....just like the old saying goes, "use it or lose it"!

Can computer games and exercises help the minds of people with Schizophrenia??

Brain training exercises may help reverse or lessen the cognitive symptoms of Schizophrenia!!

People with Schizophrenia often suffer from a long list of cognitive deficits that can affect attention, memory and the ability to set priorities and manage everyday affairs.  Brain training exercises "kick back into gear" the areas of the brain that have slowed down from the affects of Schizophrenia.  Just like physical exercise that keeps your body in shape, mental exercise helps keeps your mind sharp and "in shape" as well.

Friday, April 6, 2012


Good friends of mine, Frank & Mary Jane Thomas have been going through a very trying time as of late. Their older son Josh has been dealing with Schizoaffective disorder for about 2 years now, and took a turn for the worst about a week ago.  He suddenly, for the first time ever, became severely delusional and suicidal.  He was talking to his family about arrangements after his death, and even sharing his plans on how he was going to kill himself.  What a terrifying thing to hear come out of your child's mouth, or anyone for that matter.   Needless to say, they called 911, and got him to the hospital ASAP.

Josh was placed in a 72 hour hold, getting worse by the hour, refusing medication, and all of the sudden he agreed to medication, and signed himself in for a longer stay.  He has been responding to the medication and is slowly becoming more stable....he doesnt remember much about the last few days, how scary is that!   I pray that once he gets out, he will stay on his medication, and begin his recovery from this terrible illness.

One thing I would like to note, is that Josh was on a new anti psychotic medicine named Bupropion , which is noted to cause suicidal ideation, and suicidal tendencies in a small group of young adults between 18-24, and that is exactly what it did to Josh.  Keep a good eye on your loved ones as they change to new medications, most of the time they will help them, but once in a while they will have a negative reaction such as this, and need immediate medical attention.

Lots of prayers going out to Frank & MJ, I hope your journey gets easier from here, and know that your support system is always just a phone call, or an email away :)